877.808.2699 execdirector@fpasv.org


Our Chapter is seeking additional committee members. Being part of a committee is a great way to build relationships and strengthen your network. If you are interested in learning more about any of these committees or would like to become involved in one of them, please contact Tonia Forbus to learn more.

Career Development Committee

The Career Development Committee is dedicated to supporting the FPA in its efforts to build a strong professional community, especially through those new to the profession.

NexGen Committee

The NexGen Committee creates opportunities for growth, education and networking for FPA SV members 36 and younger, promoting the vision and mission of the both the national FPA NexGen group and the FPA SV chapter. The NexGen committee works to uphold and grow the community of NexGen within FPA SV membership with inspiration, encouragement and support for members of FPA.

Partnership Committee

The Partnership Committee strives to inform partners and potential partners about the benefits of FPA of SV and to nurture mutually-beneficial relationships between FPA and its partners. It is the Partnership Committee’s objective to encourage partners to be involved with the FPA community and to take advantage of their various benefits in order to maximize their partnership dollars and retain their partnership commitment.
Happy Partners = Healthy Chapter.

Pro Bono Committee

Plan and participate in programs that promote financial literacy and/or provide pro bono one-on-one financial planning to the public. Current programs include Financial Planning Days, Library Seminars, Financial Education at Gunn High School, and working with local support groups for victims of domestic violence.

The FPA Covid-19 ProBono Financial Planning Program is in need of volunteers. FPA members who are interested in volunteering can follow the information in the link I shared above or contact Kurt Kaczor by email at: KKaczor@onefpa.org.